This week @Rob's Inner Circle goes from KIdney Transplant Survivor, Jennen Johnson on (hit the Axis skull) TODAY, Saturday October 22nd from NOON to 3pm ET, to meeting this coming Monday, October 24th at 8PM ET, Actor / Singer Kenny Wong (aka Dr. De Luca on CTV's Transplant)
Today's show will be presented Talk Radio style ON AXISRADIO.CA or by downloading Access Radio (mic with wings) then go to Rock Music.
Featured Musical Guests will be BigRecords.World Artists, Sun Of Man, The Mighty One, Yesterdays Fate, Bruno Skibbild, Bloody Monroe, The Kerri Tales, Slant Six, Argie Gudo and so much more Rock Music.
Your Host Robert D'Alessio awaits you.
KENNY WONG on Rob's Inner Circle on YouTube and Facebook
To view this coming Monday
Produced by #JennyDuHaime4Reelz
Techie, #pattysaragosa
#Lupus #EndPKD #KidneyTransplantSurvivor #JennenJohnson #LuisaMiniaciDiLeo #health #AltHealth #nbctransplant #transplantctv
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